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Cleveland Mold Inspection

Cleveland Mold Remediation

Cleveland Mold Removal

Mold Inspection in Cleveland OH

What To Do If You Think Mold Is Growing In Your House And Making You Sick

Mold Inspection ClevelandMold can colonies can flourish anywhere if given the right environment, not just on floors and walls after a house floods due to the weather or down in the basement because of a soil drainage problem. Sometimes there are no obvious signs of black mold, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t growing in your house and making you sick.

Here in the Sandusky area of Ohio, our mold inspection company finds mold colonizations in all types of hidden places, and very often the customer called because they can’t see any mold but think it might be affecting their health.

If you’re concerned that hidden mold is growing in your house and making you sick, read the following tips from our mold inspection professionals.

First, Understand That Not All Mold Will Make You Sick

There are many different mold species, most of which are not harmful. For example, Penicillin is a beneficial mold that typically grows on stale bread.

Mold That Can Make You Sick

Stachybotrys chartarum is a common but harmful “black mold” which can colonize your home and make you sick. With prolonged exposure, it’s even more dangerous. Black mold can kill by shutting down your organs, compromising you’re immune system, and damaging your health to the point of death.

Aspergillus niger is a fungus that is sometimes confused with black mold. Colonies live mostly in the soil. Some fruits and vegetables are affected by it, and the disease is called, “Black mold.” While it can some people with lowered immune systems, allergies, or asthma sick, the most dangerous black mold is Stachybotrys chartarum.

Other Things Could Be Irritating You

If you’ve never had allergies before and never suffered from asthma, it’s easy to think something is dreadfully wrong if you keep getting sick over and over again. The problem may not be mold making you sick, but something else altogether.

The only way to truly tell if it’s the harmful black mold growing somewhere in your house is to get a mold inspection done. Sometimes the best approach is the process of elimination. If no mold is present after the test, it’s time to speak to your doctor about other possibilities.

Mold Inspection vs. DIY Mold Test Kits

Remember, not all mold is dangerous to us, so even if you do see mold, it could very well be a non-harmful species or even just plain mildew.

In addition to using certain methods and highly accurate testing equipment, professional mold inspection include air testing as well as a visual inspection of all the areas of your house, inside and out, that could be infested with harmful black mold.

Mold inspection professionals are trained to identify all the signs of an infestation as well as how to detect where the mold is growing. This is important to eradicate it within your basement slab, under floors, or behind walls.

DIY mold test kits depend on the user to accurately and reliably set up, use, and remove the kit. A user mistake, or even a packaging and shipping mistake, can cause contamination or an inaccurate reading. Plus, all of the guidelines may be impossible for a homeowner to follow, such as not producing enough air flow to accurately measure mold in cubic units.

If you are looking for a Cleveland mold inspection company then please call M.A.D. Cleaning at 419-202-4165 or complete our online request form.

More Tips on Mold Remediation

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